

找到常见问题的答案,这样你就能把事情做好. 看不到你想要的问题和答案? 提交你的问题 在这里!


一个项目(分类为指令), 研究, or Public Service) funded by an external entity on the basis of a written proposal or scope of work, 预算和预算论证. 赞助项目由ORSP管理.

我是一名新教员. ORSP里谁会帮我?

ORSP的任何人都可以帮助你, 各学术部门和行政单位, 还有很多中心和研究所, 有一个ORSP的工作人员来帮助你吗.


Please read the ORSP policies on who can serve as PI on a project to determine whether you can be a principal investigator. 只有某些类别的雇员可以成为首席研究员.

我是我的第一笔研究经费的负责人. 学校会让我对什么负责?

虽然澳门新葡新京官方在法律上是赠款或合同的官方接受者, 首席研究员(PI)负责其适当的财务管理和行为. The University is legally 和 financially responsible 和 accountable to the sponsor for the performance of the activity funded--but needs the full cooperation of the PI to do so.

什么是RFP? 什么是RFA?

这些缩写代表 征求建议书  申请表格, the announcement mechanisms the Federal government 和 many other sponsors use to let the University community know that they are seeking proposals relating to a specific topic or broad program. rfp和rfa是教师需要准备提案的指南或路线图. RFPs are usually associated with requests for 格兰特 proposals 和 RFAs are usually associated with 合同 proposals.


澳门新葡新京官方不是501(C)3, 然而 the University of Massachusetts Foundation is 和 a fiscal relationship exists between 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿 和 the 马塞诸斯州大学的 Foundation that allows for submission of 格兰特 proposals.
澳门新葡新京官方是马萨诸塞大学的五个校区之一, 由马萨诸塞大学基金会提供服务, 公司.这是一家私人非营利性公司,其501 c 3识别号码为04-6013152.

  • 您的奖前联系人将与麻省大学基金会一起审查过程.
  • 如果赞助商要求提交提案的机构是501 c 3, the proposal has to be reviewed by both the 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿 Office of 研究 和 赞助项目 (ORSP) 和 the 马塞诸斯州大学的 Foundation. All proposals that involve the 马塞诸斯州大学的 Foundation are required to be sent for review at least five days before submission. Proposal should be submitted to the ORSP who will h和le involving the Foundation for their simultaneous review.

我只是想给一个我认为会资助我的项目的基金会发一封询问信. 我需要通过职业健康保险计划吗?

不一定. 如果您要发送预算,则在发送任何内容之前与ORSP进行协调.

什么是DUNS号码? 我们的EIN号码是多少? 我们在哪个国会选区啊?

请参阅我们的ORSP信息简报. 在开发和提交提案时,您将始终需要.

我的赞助人要求我以电子方式提交提案. 我怎么做呢?

Your assigned Pre-Award Contract Administrator in the ORSP will help you with your electronic proposal submissions.

我选择的担保人每年只接受一份来自澳门新葡新京官方的申请. 我如何确定我的提案将被澳门新葡新京官方接受提交?

Call your ORSP Pre-Award Contract Administrator immediately upon learning that any 格兰特 competition has limited submissions. Only by knowing that 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿 will have two or more applicants vying for a given number of submission slots can Office of the Vice Provost for 研究 mount 和 manage an internal selection process.

如果我不通过ORSP就提交提案呢? 这样可以吗??

No. 只有ORSP有权提交提案.


If you have done this 和 now expect an award you need to call us immediately 和 let us assist you in gaining the proper review 和 institutional approvals you will need in order to receive the funding. Only the ORSP has the authority to bind 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿 to 合同 or agreement terms 和 conditions. PI不得签署任何奖励协议. 如果ORSP不能协商澳门新葡新京官方可接受的条款,则该奖项将被拒绝.


格兰特 is a financial assistance mechanism a sponsor uses to award funds for conducting a specified, 批准项目. The responsibility for the performance of the project rests primarily with the 格兰特 recipient.
合同 is an award instrument establishing a legally binding procurement relationship between the sponsor 和 the recipient. It obligates the recipient to furnish a project outcome or service that is defined in detail in the written 合同, 它约束赞助商支付费用.


成本分担是指发起人未支付的与项目相关的任何成本. 它可以是实际美元的贡献,也可以是“实物”的贡献.e.(提供员工时间或其他贡献的商品和服务). It can be m和atory (required by the sponsor) or voluntary (offered or performed by the University or a 3rd-party entity). 成本分担必须在提案阶段通过ORSP批准. 在提案或预算中以任何方式提到费用分摊时, 这是协议的一个条件.

为什么我需要支付设施费 & 行政(F&A)我的助学金费用? 那只是剥夺了赞助商给我的东西. 以及这些美元的去向?

Please see the "Note Concerning the Recovery of Facilities 和 Administrative Costs of 赞助项目"


Your Grants Officer in the Office for 研究 和 赞助项目 can help you determine this.


是的. 对于联邦提案,需要使用国土安全部协商的费率. 对于私人和基金会赞助的提案,我们使用联邦协商的费率, 除非保荐人以书面政策限制间接费用.

我的担保人不会间接支付或F&一个成本. 我能做什么?我必须见谁才能获得豁免?

马塞诸斯州大学波士顿’s policy regarding this issue is to comply with the sponsor’s requirements or guidelines, 只要是书面保险单就行.


附带福利每年都有变化. 这些费率是估计数,仅供编制预算之用. Fringe benefit rates in effect for a given employee will be charged to the account based on actual expenditures. 向您的ORSP预奖励计划联系人发送电子邮件,索取最新的附加费率.


Participant support costs are direct costs for items such as stipends or subsistence allowances, travel allowances 和 registration fees paid to or on behalf of participants or trainees (but not employees) in connection with meetings, 会议, 座谈会, 或者培训项目. 在当地学区进行的一些教育项目, 然而, 接受培训的参与者是员工. 在这种情况下, the costs must be classified as participant support if payment is made through a stipend or training allowance method. 学区必须有一个适当的会计机制.e.,子账户代码),以区分正常工资和津贴支付.

我从发起人那里听说我的项目将得到资助, 但是需要几周的时间才能把文件整理好. What can I do to start spending on a sponsored project before the award actually reaches the University?

在你几乎100%确定你的项目会得到资助的情况下, you may request that a Risk Account or Advance Account be established so you can get started right away. 您应该填写高级帐户表格并将其转发给您的资助管理员. NOTE: An unrestricted Account Number is required as this form serves as a commitment from the department guaranteeing that, 应该不接受奖励吗, 该部门负责所有未报销的开支.


一旦你确定有必要,你就需要联系ORSP. In many cases, the ORSP needs to contact the Sponsor 60-90 days before the expiration of the award.

我有一个赞助项目的编号,但是我的IRB/ IACUC的批准正在等待. 我可以花我的助学金吗?

一旦你确定有必要,你就需要联系ORSP. In many cases, the ORSP needs to contact the Sponsor 60-90 days before the expiration of the award

我有一个赞助项目的编号,但是我的IRB/ IACUC的批准正在等待. 我可以花我的助学金吗?

是的, you can start spending but you can not spend money related to human or animal subjects until you have IRB/ IACUC approval

我正在向NIH提交一份拨款申请. 我应该何时开始向内部审查委员会提交协议?

As soon as you receive the first auto-generated JIT email request 和 determine that your score is likely to be competitive for an award, you should begin the initial new protocol submission or modification process with the IRB if you have not already done so.


如果您的IRB提交的批准正在等待JIT提交日期的临近, the pending status does not jeopardize your funding opportunity 和 t在这里 is no cause for alarm. The IRB review process will take time to complete; t在这里fore, if your IRB submission is still under review when ORSP has been asked to provide JIT to NIH, 通知你的 ORSP拨款和合同管理员,然后由其通知资助机构.

How do I submit a new human research study to the 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿 IRB or request to rely on an external IRB for review?

Many of the answers to your questions about the IRB application process can be found in the “向内部审查委员会申请”部分. IRB常见问题解答也在 澳门官方老葡京调查员手册(HRP-103).